Monday, February 21, 2011

Little Blackie's Last Days

In eighth grade I desperately wanted a cell phone. After months and months of hearing "no" I made the ninth grade volleyball team and my parents bought me a phone because they were sick of never knowing where I was or when I would be home from practice. I remember my first phone, a silver little flippie it was. Within a short time, say, a year, I had gone through 2 phones for various reasons and my sophomore year of high school I was awarded a brick-ish looking black nokia. No camera, no internet, no tip calculator, no nothing but a phone. Due to my friend's habits of placing the word "little" before every word and adding "ie" to the end of every word, my phone became known as Little Blackie.
I went through a lot with this phone the first year that I had her, but eventually, upgraded to a pink razor. Something told me that though I had a new nice phone, I should keep Little Blackie somewhere special, just in case. That little pinkie was all the hype in her day. I loved her, but had yet to feel the same connection that I had with Little Blackie. After I had had little pinkie for quite some time, I took her sledding with me. She froze and that was the last I day I ever used her.
I remembered Little Blackie, whom I had put in a special drawer. I inserted my sim card into her, and she started back up right where she had left off. How reliable! The next October I received another phone upgrade and picked out a white and green slider with a touch screen and a key pad. Yes, she was high tech, but I was very frustrated with her seeing as I can't even work a remote. Again, I put Little Blackie in a special place for some future day. It had probably only been a month when slider was destroyed. I like to think that it wasn't my fault that my mom ran over my phone with the suburban, but I indeed did leave it on the bumper. The sim card survived the accident and was again inserted into Little Blackie. She took it happily and has been amazing and strong since that day. People say my phone looks like it's from the 70's. People say it's hard to text on my phone because the writing on the buttons is worn off. People say it's frustrating that I can't send or receive pictures on my mobile device. Nevertheless, people say she has character
On Thursday, February 18th, I was leaving the Wal-Mart in Orem, UT. I decided to give my mom a phone call. I dialed her number, she answered, but when I started talking, she said it sounded like I was under water. After a few more tries of calling and answering, my mom could finally understand what I was saying over the phone. Then I tried to call my sister, and a friend of mine tried calling me. All of these phone convo attempts failed. I knew something was up and I knew I had to act fast. I had a 15 hour bus ride to California that night so throughout the ride I experimented with how to bring Little Blackie to a full recovery. I turned her on and off a few times but that did not help. I tried texting. It kind of worked. 5 of the keys only worked half of the time, so I was very creative with my wording. Eventually, all keys were functional except for my 0, or space key. By the end of the night I was even able to make phone calls. I have managed texting the last few days by placing periods (.) after every word instead of spaces. I thought she would be good for a while.
Then today a good friend of mine called. I answered and heard no response. "Hello? Hello?" I kept saying. He couldn't here me. It was then that I realized, Little Blackie is currently living her last days. We have tried the past few hours to revive her but phone calls just aren't working. She has been so faithful and the last few moments I have with her will mean a lot.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Just Who I Am

I am a 21 year old senior at BYU. I currently live at home and am the oldest of 6 children. I keep an 'adventure pack' in my car in hopes that something exciting will come along. Unfortunately most of my posts will be about the AVERAGE college student... issues on campus, funny quotes from friends, and me rambling about lacrosse. If you're lucky... if I'm lucky... I'll post pictures and stories of things I do that keep my life entertaining.