Thursday, February 2, 2012

Taking a Break

I had 1 test yesterday and have 3 tests this weekend so I really shouldn't be on my blog... but it's good to take breaks.
Here's what I have learned through this crazy, study cramming week:
  1. You can't warm up egg yolk in the microwave; the egg will just cook.
  2. While reading a study about the heart rate of tree shrews, I first learned that trees have heart rates. I thought this was cool until I found out tree shrews were animals. So from my Analysis of Variance homework, I learned that a tree shrew is a type of animal and plants, in fact, do not have heart rates.
  3. 77 days left in the semester. We calculated that in my stats computer programming class. By we I mean everyone in the class but me, because I don't know how to do anything on a computer besides scroll through Pinterest and type run-on sentences for my blog posts. The only thing I have learned in that class is that if the license for a program on your computer is expired, you can just change the date on your computer to last year or whenever the program wasn't expired, then it will work. This counts for learning something though, right?

Oh and I thought this was funny too... :)

Gets me every time.


  1. Ha, ha funny post. Keep blogging. A D is a passing grade, right?

  2. Kinda like when we were taking a break while playing roulette to cool down. Haha
