Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Terrible Testing

Just to vent about last night...
Here at BYU I don't feel like the brightest crayon in the box. High school was all about good grades and overachieving. That changed in the fall of 2008. This year, I have mostly been taking classes for my major- psychology. I love my psych classes and have finally felt like I can do this whole college thing. Until last night. I had a test yesterday for one of my favorite classes- Child Psychopathology. This was my 3rd test of the semester for the class. I did great on the first two tests and was feeling confident.
The test ran from Thursday to Monday. I had lacrosse all weekend so had to resort to paying the late fee and taking the test yesterday. Usually I go to the testing center, review for an hour, and take the test. The last test is handed out at 9 so I went to the testing center at 8. I haven't had a problem with this in the past.
When I walked into the testing center yesterday, the line for tests was looped around the top floor a few times, down the stairs, to the door, and looped around again. I was overwhelmed but just tried to study while I was in line. After waiting in line for 15 minutes I realized I didn't have my ID card. I talked to the girl behind me and she was nice enough to save my spot in line while I ran to my car. Freaking parking at BYU! The closest you can get is 15 minutes away from campus. So I had my back pack with my books and laptop and sprinted to my car. At some point my phone fell out of my back pack, but a nice boy chased me down to give it back. I got to my car and got my ID card, and threw my back pack in the trunk so that I could run back to the testing center in time. This means I didn't have anything to study while in line.
So I sprinted back to the testing center, past the signs that said "Do not walk alone at night," and found the girl who had saved my spot. Did I mention I have been sick and it was 38 degrees outside? When I got back in line, in the crowded building, I couldn't stop coughing. Everyone around me wanted to kill me I'm sure.
I finally was handed my test at 8:55 (remember last test handed out at 9?) and found that there were no seats when I got in the testing room. I was asked to move a few times because apparently you aren't allowed to sit on the floor to take a test. Testing center employees opened up some extra classrooms for people to sit. I searched the overflow to find no empty seats. I settled for a piano bench and ended up taking my test on the piano.
Needless to say, I did terrible on my test. So much for an A. It's not about grades, it's about what you learn, right?

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