Sunday, January 1, 2012


New Years Resolutions. I make a lot of goals, mostly because I steer away from my goals so often that I have to write them down again and recommit. A lot of people say they don't like making resolutions because they never stick with them anyways. I don't think there is anything wrong with that, as long as you keep making goals and are continuously working for what you want in life. One factor in achieving is writing down goals and letting others see them.
Dear world (or 5 people who read this), here are my resolutions with too much explanation:
  • Learn to cook... and cook healthy
  • Attend the temple more.
  • Score a goal in every game. If I don't get it in a game, I will just score 2 in the next :)
  • Graduate.
  • Get more out of scripture study. (Summer of 2009 I made a goal to read the Book of Mormon every night. I went 2+ years straight and I think I have only missed 3 nights since. Now that I have the reading habit down, I should do more with it.)
  • Get up to 7 mile runs. I know that sounds like hardly anything to a lot of people. I HATE long distance runs. HATE. I figure if I work at it gradually, it will become less of a pain and more of a habit and I can get to 7 miles on a consistent basis.
  • No candy- not no sweets, just no candy.
  • Feed my savings account. I am not a terrible spender, I am just not a great earner. By this I guess I mean find a full time job when school ends.
  • Learn to drive stick. It may take tears, hopefully not blood. I have tried SO hard to learn and have killed Gavin's car TOO many times. I will no longer use the words "I can't." I am having anxiety just thinking about it, but I want a wrangler. I have to do this.
  • 6 freaking pack. I have made this goal every year for the last 8 years. So what? as long as I am working at it, right?
(My chest may never be there, but the abs I can work for!)

So... until February!
I'd say next year, but let's be realistic. I will make new goals in 2 months.

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